Candidate should visit to and Click on Application Forms (Apply) Link. After that click on the link of Online Application for JMSCCE – 2023 and follow the instructions.
Yes, Candidate must have a valid email id for filling of online application for JMSCCE-2023.
Yes, Candidate must have a valid mobile number to receive message related to various stages of application process.
Yes, Candidate can apply for the examination within the time limit givenin the advertisement publishedby Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission Ranchi. After the time duration the link for filling up of the application will not be available.
Yes, Candidate who fulfills the eligibility criteria prescribed in the brochure of JMSCCE-2023 can apply.
Yes, Candidate must go through the detailed instructions which are available on brochure of JMSCCE-2023.
The delay in accessing the Page depends upon various factors like Speed of Internet, Large number of applicants trying to register the application at the same time etc. Therefore, if you are not able to get the page for registration promptly, please retry after sometime or during off-peak hours. It is advisable not to wait for last minute rush.
All the information regarding the mentioned recruitment have been explained in the guideline and instructions (How to apply).
For payment of application fees candidate have online mode .They can Pay online using any VISA/MASTER Debit or Credit Card, Internet Banking, Pre Paid Card, Wallet, BHIM App issued by any Bank/Institutions through SBI Collect link Or Offline Payment may be processed at any Branch of State Bank of India through the Pay-In-Slip (Challan) generated Online.
Please go through the advertisement of JMSCCE-2023 for details.
Please check whether :
  • You have paid requisite application fees as per your category/eligibility for the post applied for.
  • You have paid application fees online or through online generated Challan successfully.
  • For any query you may contact through the below JSSC helpline numbers on any working day from 10.00 AM to 06.00PM
    • For Technical Assistance: - +91- 8754000937, 8754000938
    • For payment Related Issue:- +91- 9840001274
    • For Email :-
Candidate will not be able to change Name, Date of Birth, Email id and Mobile Number once submitted. So Candidate are advised to fill the Online Application form carefully. Other than above given data Candidate will be given a chance to make a modification.
No, Once the Candidate has successfully submitted the application form through online mode there is no need of sending its print out to Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission, Ranchi. However, it is strongly advised that the Candidate should keep a hard copy of his /her application for his/her own record and for future communication.
Signature must be done in Blue/Black ink on white paper (background).
The images of the photograph and signature should be scanned in .jpg format only.
Allowed sizes are as follows:-
  • Photograph Size 20 KB to 50 KB
  • Signature Size 10 KB to 20 KB
Use any free image editing software such as MS Paint. To delete the unnecessary print area, use the CROP option after selecting the Image. To resize to proper pixel size use the resize option.
The scanned photograph and signature in the format and the specification which has already been explained above is to be uploaded.
On successful registration you will get an e-mail and a SMS to your e-mail id and contact number provided while registration and after successful submission you will get access to printout your registration slip.
If your e-mail id is correct you must receive the mail from system. However, if you didn’t receive an e-mail then you should re-check e-mail id mentioned in the registration process is correct or not, if entered e-mail id is correct then check the same in spam box, sometimes system generated e-mail may be stored in the spam section.
This may mean that the application has not been submitted successfully and you are required to apply afresh.
On completion of application form Registration Number is generated by the system. If the same has not been generated and you are disconnected midway due to any reason, you have to enter the details of application afresh.
The Candidates are advised to submit only single application; However if due to any unavoidable situation, if Candidate submits another/ multiple applications, Candidate must ensure that application is complete in all respects like applicant’s details, photograph, signature, fee etc. Candidates who are submitting multiple applications should note that all the applications shall be entertained and application fee paid against registration shall not be adjusted and refunded.
It is strongly advised that after the completion of the process of submission of the online application, Candidate must take a print out of the submitted application form and keep the same for future reference. They are also advised to keep application fee payment receiptfor future reference.
The institution or University, from which the candidate obtained the certificate, has a set of principles for conversion of grade / grade points to marks and from CGPA to percentage of marks. Therefore, candidates are advised to obtain the conversion formula from the institution or the university and accordingly calculate the marks or percentage of marks and fill up the relevant box in the online application form.
Ongoing process of payment is done through SBI Collect link Make sure that you have selected correct payment category in the payment menu and follow instructions accordingly. If you have not selected correct payment category in payment menu then your payment may get deducted and in your login page it shows your payment failed.
If you get the error message "Unknown Error" while uploading the Photograph/ Signature, then open the image in any image editor like "paint brush", “MS Office Picture” etc. and save the image as ".jpg" file and then upload afresh.

Note: - Candidates should ensure that the photograph, signature will be uploaded in the online application at appropriate place and photograph and signature must be clearly visible in the screen as well as online application form preview pages/registration slip. No Blur/Mix-up Photographs and Signature Shall be accepted under any circumstantance. The Candidature of Blur/Mix-up/Celebrities/Animals etc. shall be rejected.